Friday, March 06, 2009

Continuing puzzle of why 90,000 NC citizens pay 95% of their disability checks to the Family Homes where they are warehoused4 mental health challenges

HARD to get an answer about these matters.

Why does the person, who is disabled, but who has vested (read: paid social security taxes when working) in the Social Security System and therefore gets an SSDI check, get only $66/ month out of their $900 disability check; as a contrast to that, why does the person who gets SSI who has not vested sufficiently in the Social Security Administration System get $20 or less/ month?

What is the rubric that determines what they get and how is it affected by this Optional State Supplement (OSS) which is apparently managed by the Departments of Social Service on a county basis?

The remainder is associated with a stream of funding which is apparently entitled Optional State Supplement (OSS) to create the $1280/ month/ resident for room and board in the Family Homes. 90,000 NC citizens live in these Family Homes which is regulated by this agency: NC Division of Health Service Regulation

See their website and gawk at the massive number of beds in NC warehousing (just the Adult) NC citizens:

Found this amazing site, called "Steven Gold's Treasured Bits of Information": contact:


Disability, Poverty and Systemic SSI-Related Discrimination-Information Bulleti
Date Mailed: Friday, March 9th 2007 01:27 PM

"Most folks think of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) as only the monthly check older Americans and people with disabilities receive to live in the community in their own apartments/ homes or with a spouse. They typically also think that SSI benefits are entirely from the federal government. Those assumptions are not true.

There are also State supplementary payments made by many States "to a recipient" of SSI as "complement" to the Federal benefit rate. The combined federal and state benefit is supposed to "increase the amount of income available to the [SSI] recipient to meet his[/her] needs."

Second, there are 17 states that pay a monthly optional state supplement ONLY if the person on SSI resides in a "community institution" or group setting. These states pay NO optional state supplement if the person lives in the community. In these states, older Americans and persons with disabilities in the community receive only the federal benefit rate, but if they were institutionalized in assisted living facilities, personal care boarding facilities, foster care homes, domiciliary care facilities, these institutions would receive both the federal benefit rate and the following optional state supplement (OSS) for each person.

...Why would States want to pay an optional state supplement to "communityinstitutions", such as assisted living facilities, personal care boarding facilities, foster care homes, domiciliary care facilities? How do such payments satisfy the ADA's "the most integrated setting" mandate? Aren't such payments another form of institutional bias that we have seen in other situations?Supporting these "community institutions" perpetuates discrimination against persons with disabilities and older Americans.

North Carolina : $561 OSS for an adult care home (basic), $674 for a"disenfranchised" adult care home, and $958 OSS for a special care unit adult care home."


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