Saturday, February 07, 2009

NC Taxpayers take another hit: new mental health/ psychiatric hospital can't teach staff how to keep patients from falling

amazing, really, the standard kind of problems these psychiatric hospitals have.

All hospitals have written standards of procedures/ protecols as pertaining to how to deal w/ every situation. They would have one re: protecting patients against falls.

Why would that be important? Well, duh, that's how Stephen Sabock probably lost his life re: closed head injury from having fallen WHILE BEING WATCHED apparently by someone administering him medication. And so, they put him in a chair, close to where they were playing cards, and assumably watched him drool until he died.

So, two of the four mental health hospitals are about to AGAIN lose CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: the main payor for mental health services in the state) because the administration cannot create the setting so that people who work at the hospitals can effectively keep patients from falling.

WHAT'S WRONG W/ THESE PEOPLE? Why don't they just extract sums of money from the checks of administrators until they can get the personnel to follow the rules associated w/ keeping patients from falling?

Well, but if you look at the pdf that the Raleigh News Observer made available which is the letter to Dr. Mike Hennike, the head administrator at the new Central Hospital, you will see that there were many complaints and continuing difficulties including :

patients rights
lack of governance


NC mental hospitals could lose federal fundingFebruary 06, 2009 19:07 EST

The News & Observer of Raleigh reported Friday the Centers for Medicare

Medicaid Services said in a letter this week that Central Regional Hospital no longer meets the requirements to participate in the Medicare program. Inspectors found that staff at the Butner campus failed to follow rules designed to prevent patients from falling.


Funding for Dix and Butner at risk
Hospital inspectors review complaints
By Michael Biesecker - Staff Writer
Published: Sat, Feb. 07, 2009 12:30AM

RALEIGH -- State psychiatric hospitals in Raleigh and Butner could lose federal funding as soon as Feb. 20, potentially costing more than $1.2 million a month in lost revenue.
Meanwhile, federal inspectors were at the state facilities Thursday and Friday reviewing new complaints of patient abuse and neglect, including that of a child who was victimized twice.
The loss of Medicaid and Medicare money at Central Regional Hospital, which includes a new $130 million building in Butner and the Dorothea Dix Hospital campus in Raleigh, comes at a critical time for a state Department of Health and Human Services already facing deep cuts.

It costs about $10 million a month to operate the two hospitals.

What is one of the reasons that CMS cited Butner?
see pg 3/ 25:Feb 3, 2009, letter fo Director of Central Hospital, Dr. Mike Hennike:

THE GOVERNING BODY. Remember them? They were the physicians and psychologists who were dismissed by the 'new campus' of Dix e.g., Central (Butner) campus.

very very funny. chalk up one for the governing body who apparently didn't roll over and play dead.


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