DHHS continues to create barriers to mental health delivery in NC
Marsha V. Hammond, PhD: Clinical Licensed Psychologist, NC email: hammondmv@netzero.com
Ms. Galloway, (DHHS employee: Leesa Galloway):
I challenge you to evidence the e mails from mental health providers who stated that your new PCP forms 'were wonderful.' LAST YEAR's or actually EARLIER THIS YEAR'S PCP (Person Centered Forms) were easily manipulatable by simple double clicking. Not only are the forms CHANGED but they are running on software so new that mental health practitioners, instead of working with clients, are sitting here typing complaints to you and others at DHHS.
Accordingly, you stated this in your e mails to me: "The reason I said "it was wonderful" was based on the feedback other providers has sent to us." (as regards the mandated, as of July 15, 2007, PCP short form----yet another form that DHHS is requiring----in order for consumers to receive services).
As far as I am concerned, and as associated with other mental health providers, DHHS continues to create barriers to care for NC citizens. Not only was the training for the new PCPs held 2 days prior to its launch but you are utilizing software which many of us are unfamiliar with, namely a sophisticated version (it appears) of Windows Office. Elsewhere in the state the training was held after the mandated launch date. AND the instructions on the PCP tips site do not include all the steps. If the purpose of mental health reform is (lest we forget the original agenda) to get the services to the citizens, DHHS continues to create barriers to this taking place in terms of:
1. training that is right up against a launch date
2. constant changing of the forms such that providers have to throw out what they have and recreate it into yet another form
3. (not to mention the non technical side of the matter): having the LME's investigate mental health providers who have given the allotted more than 12 hours of Community Support last year to NC Medicaid citizens to THIS YEAR be told that their Diagnostic Assessments---which was not required last year----is required. LAST YEAR, the recent DSM, psychiatric diagnosis, rendered by a qualified mental health provider was sufficient. THIS year, and after the rendering of the Community Support services were given and paid for, a rubric has been post facto created associated with judging the quality of the Diagnostic Assessment which LAST YEAR was not required and so was therefore UNTETHERED to the Community Support Services which were rendered LAST YEAR. And so when the now required Diagnostic Assessment does not meet the criteria related to the need for the Community Support, (because the provider did not have to create the Diagnostic Assessment as part of the Community Support hours requested LAST YEAR), the administrative, master's level LME person THIS YEAR is telling the clinical doctoral psychologist that indeed the Diagnostic Assessment does not indicate that Community Support services were merited.
As far as I am concerned, the ongoing incompetency of DHHS continues and that agency is running mental health reform straight into the ground. It is obvious that DHHS is either completely unconscious of the effects pertaining to this lack of stability in terms of these kinds of issues----OR you simply want mental health reform to fail OR you simply do not want NC citizens to have these services as associated with these concocted barriers. None of these reasons is OK.
Feel free to pass this to anyone you like.
Sincerely, Marsha V. Hammond, PhD: Licensed Clinical Psychologist
At 12:41 PM 7/20/2007 -0400, Leesa Galloway wrote:
The reason I said "it was wonderful" was based on the feedback other providers has sent to us.
Ms. Galloway, (DHHS employee: Leesa Galloway
I challenge you to evidence the e mails from mental health providers who stated that your new PCP forms 'were wonderful.' LAST YEAR's or actually EARLIER THIS YEAR'S PCP (Person Centered Forms) were easily manipulatable by simple double clicking. Not only are the forms CHANGED but they are running on software so new that mental health practitioners, instead of working with clients, are sitting here typing complaints to you and others at DHHS.
Accordingly, you stated this in your e mails to me: "The reason I said "it was wonderful" was based on the feedback other providers has sent to us." (as regards the mandated, as of July 15, 2007, PCP short form----yet another form that DHHS is requiring----in order for consumers to receive services).
As far as I am concerned, and as associated with other mental health providers, DHHS continues to create barriers to care for NC citizens. Not only was the training for the new PCPs held 2 days prior to its launch but you are utilizing software which many of us are unfamiliar with, namely a sophisticated version (it appears) of Windows Office. Elsewhere in the state the training was held after the mandated launch date. AND the instructions on the PCP tips site do not include all the steps. If the purpose of mental health reform is (lest we forget the original agenda) to get the services to the citizens, DHHS continues to create barriers to this taking place in terms of:
1. training that is right up against a launch date
2. constant changing of the forms such that providers have to throw out what they have and recreate it into yet another form
3. (not to mention the non technical side of the matter): having the LME's investigate mental health providers who have given the allotted more than 12 hours of Community Support last year to NC Medicaid citizens to THIS YEAR be told that their Diagnostic Assessments---which was not required last year----is required. LAST YEAR, the recent DSM, psychiatric diagnosis, rendered by a qualified mental health provider was sufficient. THIS year, and after the rendering of the Community Support services were given and paid for, a rubric has been post facto created associated with judging the quality of the Diagnostic Assessment which LAST YEAR was not required and so was therefore UNTETHERED to the Community Support Services which were rendered LAST YEAR. And so when the now required Diagnostic Assessment does not meet the criteria related to the need for the Community Support, (because the provider did not have to create the Diagnostic Assessment as part of the Community Support hours requested LAST YEAR), the administrative, master's level LME person THIS YEAR is telling the clinical doctoral psychologist that indeed the Diagnostic Assessment does not indicate that Community Support services were merited.
As far as I am concerned, the ongoing incompetency of DHHS continues and that agency is running mental health reform straight into the ground. It is obvious that DHHS is either completely unconscious of the effects pertaining to this lack of stability in terms of these kinds of issues----OR you simply want mental health reform to fail OR you simply do not want NC citizens to have these services as associated with these concocted barriers. None of these reasons is OK.
Feel free to pass this to anyone you like.
Sincerely, Marsha V. Hammond, PhD: Licensed Clinical Psychologist
At 12:41 PM 7/20/2007 -0400, Leesa Galloway wrote:
The reason I said "it was wonderful" was based on the feedback other providers has sent to us.
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